We understand your needs because of the diverse background of our team.
We’re not simply career-recruiters, but a team who has worked within major projects nationally, both on the recruitment and operations side.
This unique perspective, coupled with our robust safety, payroll, administrative and compliance processes provides you with a flexible workforce solution, without the headaches that usually come with rapid deployment and changing staffing requirements.
We know workloads fluctuate dramatically through the year based on projects, requirements, seasonality, and the industry. Labour-hire provides the flexibility needed to find workers best equipped with the skills needed for an industry specialised project for a temporary timeframe. This eradicates the stress of maintaining these employees in the long term. Not only does it benefit your immediate project by having another set of hands, but it also benefits your permanent team. Business operations run more smoothly, and it prevents your team from being overwhelmed as a result of the heightened demand.
Recruitment isn’t an easy process. It can be long and tedious having to complete the necessary processes, administrative details, training inductions, all while covering additional legislative and compliance inclusions, such as induction, wages, super, admin loading, and statutory obligations. When deploying labour-hire, this is all taken care of, so you can focus on the project at hand. This is especially beneficial if your industry is hiring new staff regularly.
We ensure workers can be deployed to your site in minimal time, saving you precious working hours that would have been spent reading resumes, interviewing candidates, checking tickets and licences, and negotiating salary packages.
If you need a highly specialised skillset or team for a project, labour-hire can help. You can quickly and easily hire this talent for a specified period, whether that be days, weeks, months, or throughout a project.
Holidays, unexpected illness, and injury can cause a business’s workload to build up quickly. It can cause your workforce to feel overwhelmed, potentially leading to morale, retention and burnout. Providing suitable temporary workers to supplement others ensures necessary projects still get completed on time and on budget.
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